April 15−17, 2021
"The sociology of religion in Late Modern society: religion and values"
X International scientific conference
Plenary session
Day 3

17 April, 2021
Sergey D. Lebedev
9-00 – 9-20 Alexander A. Pelin (St. Petersburg). Orthodox Christian COVID-dissidence as a social phenomenon accompanying the pandemic.

9-30 – 9-50 Dmitry R. Yavorsky (Volgograd, Russia). "Fortunism" in the context of contemporary religiosity.

10-00 – 10-20 Svetlana A. Sharonova (Moscow, Russia). Russian Orthodox Christian Church facing the digitalization challenges.

10-30 – 10-50 Indira Sh. Aslanova (Bushkek, Kyrgyz republic). Religion and values in the narratives of forbidden terrorist groups.
Victor V. Sukhorukov
11-00 – 11-20 Lyudmila I. Grigoryeva (Krasnoyarsk, Russia). Perpetual health, perpetual youth, everlasting life – corporality as a supreme value in "the new age religions".

11-30 – 11-50 Sergey D. Lebedev (Belgorod, Russia). Religion as a value: paradoxes and collisions of the modern era society.

12-00 – 12-20 Elena D. Rutkevich (Moscow, Russia). (Non-)religious identity of contemporary individuals.

12-30 – 12-50 Alexander V. Shchipkov (Moscow, Russia). Orthodox Christianity and the pandemic.
Sergey D. Lebedev
13-00 – 14-20 Closing the conference
Plenary session
Day two

16 April, 2021
Inna S. Shapovalova

9-00 – 9-20 Inna S. Shapovalova (Belgorod, Russia). Religious xenophobia in everyday consciousness of advanced Russian youth: risk assessment.

9-30 – 9-50 Dmitry R. Yavorsky (Volgograd, Russia). "Fortunism" in the context of contemporary religiosity.

10-00 – 10-20 Nelly A. Romanovich (Voronezh, Russia). Distinctive features of contemporary religiosity.

10-30 – 10-50 Mikhail Yu. Smirnov (St. Petersburg, Russia). Value interpretation in Russian Federation official documents as a standardizing format for the axiology of religious associations.
Мoderator: Anastasia V. Kisilenko
11-00 – 11-20 Roman N. Lunkin (Moscow, Russia). New request for identity: religious values versus solidarity?

11-30 – 11-50 Gulnara I. Gadzhimuradova (Moscow, Russia). Тransformation of value system in the globalization era.

12-00 – 12-20 Emil Bjørn Hilton Saggau (Copenhagen, Denmark). Not our holy Shrines! – the Montenegrin debate about secular and religious values in light of the Montenegrin Law on religion and its aftermath.

12-30 – 12-50 Valentina A. Shilova (Moscow, Russia). A sociological assessment of subjective well-being in believers and atheists.
Conference program
15 April, 2021

Day one
Moderator: Sergey D. Lebedev
10:00 — 11:00
Opening ceremony. Welcoming speeches
Nicolay I. Repnikov – Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of Belgorod State University

Sergey N. Borisov – Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications of Belgorod State University

Valeriy A. Mansurov – President of the Russian Society of Sociologists

Mirco Blagojevic – Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences (Serbia)

Svetlana M. Aleinikova – Head of Dept., analyst at Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (Belarus)

Mikhail F. Chernysh – Сorresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, interim Director of the Institute of Sociology, Federal research centre for theoretical and applied sociology, Russian academy of sciences

Zhan T. Toshchenko – Сorresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Russian State University for the Humanities

Matvey G. Pismanik – Professor at Perm State Institute of Culture, Honorary worker of higher professional education
Plenary session
11:00 — 11:30
Roberto Cipriani (Rome, Italy)
Diffused religion of values.
11:40 – 12:00
Elena A. Ostrovskaya (St Petersburg, Russia)
Mediatization of Buddhism: research methodology and methods.
12:10 – 12:30
Alexander F. Filippov (Moscow, Russia)
Political philosophy and political theology: two alternative versions of sociology and religion.
12:40 – 13:00
Irina G. Kargina (Moscow, Russia)
The religious map of contemporary world: social and political consequences.
Мoderator: Inna S. Shapovalova
13:00 – 13:20
Ruzhica Cacanoska (Skopje, Macedonia), Ivan Blazhevski (Skopje, Macedonia), Gjoko Gjorgeski (Skopje, Macedonia)
The position of religious communities during the coronavirus pandemic and the reflection on public opinion in Macedonia.
13:30 – 13:50
Vladimir A. Martinovich (Minsk, Belarus)
Unconventional religiosity and printed media: lessons to learn.
14:00 – 14:20
Nikola Gjorshoski (Ohrid, Macedonia)
Political islam between consociational and shariocratic democracy : opportunities and challenges.
14:30 – 14:50
Leonid Y. Dyatchenko (Belgorod, Russia).
The law of universal innovational gravity mirrored by the world religions.
Moderator: Kseniya YU. Korolyova
15:00 – 15:20
Роберта Рикуччи (Torino, Italy)
Youth, religion and new ways of believing between off- and on-line.
15:30 – 15:50
Yulia A. Zubok (Moscow, Russia)
Socio-cultural self-adjustment of the youth: experience of structural and taxonomic analysis.
16:00 – 16:20
Maria M. Mchedlova (Moscow, Russia)
Religion in an era of great upheaval: institutions and values.
16:30 – 16:50
Emil Bjørn Hilton Saggau (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Not our holy Shrines! – the Montenegrin debate about secular and religious values in light of the Montenegrin Law on religion and its aftermath.
17:00 – 17:20
Gulnara I. Gadzhimuradova (Moscow, Russia)
Transformation of the values system in the era of globalization.
17:30 – 17:50
Svetlana M. Aleinikova (Minsk, Belarus).
Religion and faith in the value system of contemporary Belarus society.
18:00 – 18:20
Vladimir Mentus (Belgrade, Serbia)
Traditional value orientation and religiosity – a multilevel analysis across Europe.
Dear colleagues!
Belgorod State National Research University (Russia), Russian Society of Sociologists (Russia), Institute of Social Sciences of Belgrade (Serbia), Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies (Belarus)

supported by: the Internet portal "Sociology of Religion", the scientific journal "New Studies of Tuva", the online scientific journal "Scientific Result. Sociology and Management"

invite you to take part in jubilee X International Scientific Conference "Sociology of Religion in Late Modern Society: Religion and Values", which is held on April 15−17, 2021, at the National Research University "BelSU", Belgorod, Russia.

The conference is dedicated to the Year of Science and Technology, the 145th anniversary since the foundation of Belgorod State University, the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in advance of the X Congress of the Russian Society of Sociologists (RAS-RSS)
Registration fees are CANCELLED, and participation in the Conference is free for all categories.
THE CONDITION for registration fee cancellation is the participant's consent to posting a video of his / her speech and publication in PDF format on an official open source website of the National Research University "BelSU".
Three scheduled fields of work
Within the framework of the conference, a visiting session of Research Seminar named after Yu.Yu. Sinelina, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, is planned
  • 1
    Religion and Values: theoretical concepts - competition and multiparadigmality.
  • 2
    Religion and Values: methodology, methods and practices of study.
  • 3
    Religion and Values: public practice: from identity to solidarity
* The participants' consent is required to post the video of the speech and the publication in PDF format in open access on the official website of the National Research University "BelSU".
To participate in the conference
it is necessary to register before 15.03.2021:

To register
You need to fill in a registration form
To send your report
If it is not possible to attach the text of the report/articles when registering – send it to the address socrelmod@yandex.ru.
Materials for publication are accepted strictly until March 15, 2021.
As a result of the conference, it is planned to publish a thematic collection of articles (the RSCI periodical). The best articles will be nominated for editions of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and SCOPUS
Requirements to materials:
  • File format
    Microsoft World Doc
  • Materials for publication
    should be sent in a standard format supported by Microsoft Word. Page size A4; portrait orientation; Times New Roman font – size 14; line spacing-1.
  • Text length
    from 12 thousand to 20 thousand characters (with spaces)
  • Acceptable languages
    Russian, English
  • Sequence of data
    the title of the article, full name of the author (s), information about the author, organization, address, email address of the author, abstract (up to 1000 characters), key words (8 words), text of the articles, references (at least 10 sources)
  • Full name of the author (s), title of the article, abstract and keywords must have the English version.
  • There is an example of the structure of the article in Appendix 1, the reference style in Appendix 2
No registration fee is required and participation is free for all categories.
The organizers do not provide transportation, accommodation and meals for the participants of the conference.
Official information about the conference on the website of the head organization:
  • Event type
  • Event category
    International level
  • Starting date
  • Closing date
  • Category of participants
  • Form of conducting
    in-person / remote
  • Location of the event
    Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications of the National Research University "BelSU"
  • Electronic resource (website)
  • Organizer(s)
    National Research University "BelSU"; Russian Society of Sociologists; Institute of Social Sciences of Belgrade (Serbia); Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies (Belarus).
  • Contact information
    conference administrator - e-mail: socrelmod@yandex.ru
  • Information message
  • Facebook event
Student section is organized within the conference.
Topics of speeches
  • 1
    Svetlana M. Aleinikova (Belarus, Minsk)
    Religion and faith in the system of values of modern Belarusian society.
  • 2
    Indira Sh. Aslanova (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)
    Religion and values in the narratives of banned terrorist groups
  • 3
    Mirko Blagojevic (Serbia, Belgrade), Vladimir Bakrač (Pòdgorica, Montenegro), Sergey D. Lebedev (Russia)
    Religiosity as a value in Orthodox monoconfessional societies: Serbia, Russia, Montenegro
  • 4
    Блазевски Иван (Северная Македония, Скопье)
    The position of religious communities during the coronavirus pandemic and the reflection on public opinion in Macedonia

  • 5
    Гаджимурадова Гюльнара Ильясбековна (Россия, Москва)
    Трансформация системы ценностей в эпоху глобализации
  • 6
    Lyudmila I. Grigorieva (Krasnoyarsk)
    Eternal health, eternal youth, eternal life - corporality as a super-value in the "religions of the new century"

  • 7
    Djorševski Nikola (North Macedonia, Ohrid)
    Political Islam between consociational and shariocratic democracied: opportunities and challenges.
  • 8
    Дятченко Леонид Яковлевич (Россия, Белгород)
    Закон всеобщего инновационного тяготения в зеркале мировых религий
  • 9
    Irina G. Kargina (Moscow, Russia)
    Religious cartography of the modern world: social and political consequences.
  • 10
    Elena A. Kublitskaya (Russia, Moscow)
    The role of religion and religious institutions in ensuring spiritual and moral unity (population assessments in the context of the pandemic).
  • 11
    Sergey D. Lebedev (Russia, Belgorod)
    Religion as a value: paradoxes and collisions of modern society.
  • 12
    Vladimir Mentus (Serbia, Belgrade)
    Traditional value orientation and religiosity – a multilevel analysis across Europe.
  • 13
    Maria M. Mchedlova (Russia, Moscow)
    Religion in the era of great upheavals: institutions and values.
  • 14
    Elena A. Ostrovskaya (Russia, Saint Petersburg)
    Mediatization of Buddhism: methodology and research methods
  • 15
    Elena B. Pokaninova (Russia, Moscow)
    Religion and values in the era of globalization
  • 16
    Пелин Александр Александрович (Россия, Санкт-Петербург)
    Православное ковид-диссидентство как социальный феномен пандемии
  • 17
    Roberta Ricucci (Italy, Turin)
    Youth, religion and new ways of believing between off- and on-line
  • 18
    Elena D. Rutkevich (Russia, Moscow)
    (Non)religious identity of a modern man
  • 19
    Романович Нелли Александровна (Воронеж)
    Отличительные черты современной религиозности
  • 20
    Mikhail Yu. Smirnov (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
    Interpretation of values in official documents of the Russian Federation as a normative format for the axiology of religious associations
  • 21
    Alexander F. Filippov (Russia, Moscow)
    Political philosophy and Political theology: Two alternative versions of the sociology of religion.
  • 22
    Roberto Cipriani (Italy, Rome)
    Diffused religion of values.
  • 23
    Inna S. Shapovalova (Russia, Belgorod)
    Religious xenophobia in the everyday consciousness of progressive Russian youth: risk assessment
  • 24
    Svetlana A. Sharonova (Russia,Moscow)
    The Russian Orthodox Church facing the challenges of digitalization
  • 25
    Valentina A. Shilova (Russia, Moscow)
    Sociological assessment of the subjective well-being of believers and non-believers
  • 26
    Alexander V. Shchipkov (Russia, Moscow)
    Orthodoxy and the pandemic
  • 27
    Roman N. Lunkin (Russia, Moscow)
    A new request for identity: religious values versus solidarity?
  • 28
    Emil Bjørn Hilton Saggau
    "Not our holy Shrines! – the Montenegrin debate about secular and religious values in light of the Montenegrin Law on religion and its aftermath"

  • 29
    Ivan Blazhevski
    Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
  • 30
    Ruzhica Cacanoska
    Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
  • 31
    Gjoko Gjorgjeski
    Orthodox Faculty of Theology St. Clement of Ohrid, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
Sections of X International scientific conference
«Sociology of religion in Late Modern society: religion and values»

Full list of the participants of the Conference:

1. Svetlana M. Aleinikova (Belarus, Minsk) Religion and faith in the system of values of modern Belarusian society.
2. Vladimir I. Antonov (Ulan-Ude) The social portrait of a Buryat Buddhist pilgrim-monk: from historical perspective to online format (based on the sociological survey findings) (co-authored with O.A. Ochirova)
3. Anna Yu. Ardalyanova (Vladivostok) Mosque in the Far Eastern city: experience of content analysis of news portals
4. Evgeny I. Arinin (Vladimir) Religiosity concept in a cross-cultural context: Russia and Japan (co-authored with N.M. Markova)
5. Svetlana M. Aristova (Kudymkar) The relationship between the categories of time and space as a key construct in determining the subject of sociology of religion in Late Modern society (co-authored with P.M. Korolev, A.N. Gusev)
6. Indira Sh. Aslanova (Bishkek, the Kyrgyz republic) Religion and values in the narratives of banned terrorist groups
7. Larisa S. Astakhova (Kazan) Comparative analysis of the transformation of the value system of Jehovah's Witnesses (based on the materials of included observations and personal extracts from publications)
8. Svetlana Z. Akhmadulina (Ulan-Ude) The Chinese Falun Gong movement in Russia: its essence, causes and history of development
9. Valeriy N. Badmaev (Elista) Russia and the Buddhist world: trans-border contacts, issues and prospects
10. Timur B. Badmatsyrenov (Ulan-Ude) Digital Buddhism: Buddhist ideas and practices in online communities
11. Julia P. Bayer (Saint Petersburg) The specifics of sampling and expert interviewing during the pandemic
12. Vladimir Bakrač (Pòdgorica, Montenegro) Religiosity as a value in Orthodox monoconfessional societies: Serbia, Russia, Montenegro (co-authored with Mirko Blagojevic, S. D. Lebedev)
13. Olesya S. Bannova (Saint Petersburg) Methodological approaches to measuring the values of IT specialists
14. Tatyana P. Belova (Ivanovo) Value and social foundations of parish life in a small town
15. Marina R. Bignova (Ufa) Ethnoconfessional NRM in Bashkortostan: axiology and its social consequences
16. Ulyana P. Bicheldey (Kyzyl) Religious situation in the Republic of Tuva (based on the sociological research findings) (co-authored with P. K. Dashkovsky, A.V. Mongush); The main characteristics of Tuvan Buddhist pilgrimage in history and today (co-authored with C. K. Lamazhaa)
17. Mirko Blagojevic (Serbia, Belgrade) Religiosity as a value in Orthodox monoconfessional societies: Serbia, Russia, Montenegro (co-authored with Vladimir Bakrač, S. D. Lebedev)
18. Olga A. Bogatova (Saransk) Social service of the Russian Orthodox Church in the regional society in the perception of church-bound and non-church-bound youth (co-authored with E.I. Dolgaeva)
19. Olga N. Borisova (Moscow) What do we know about godparents and godchildren in modern Russia? Based on the results of the all-Russian population survey (co-authored with I. V. Pavlyutkin)
20. Vasily V. Bublikov (Belgorod) Ethnic and civil components in Russians' national identity (a case study of bicultural persons with Russian and Belarus background)
21. Alexey G. Busygin (Yekaterinburg) Digital media as a method of mediation of the sacred: a sociological analysis (co-authored with E.I. Grishaeva)
22. Mikhail V. Vinichenko (Moscow) The attitude of representatives of world religions to artificial intelligence: a social aspect
23. Assol A. Vlasova (St. Petersburg) Transformation of value systems represented in 2005 –2018 US immigration forums.
24. Gulnara I. Gadzhimuradova (Moscow) The world facing a choice between liberal and "traditional" values
25. Alexey V. Gaidukov (Saint Petersburg) Identity of the followers of the Ossetian folk faith Iron Din
26. Alexandra V. Garipova (Belgorod). The values of local identity in solidarization of the Russian city population (on the example of Belgorod). (co-authored with K.V. Kuznetsova, E.S. Eliseeva and K.M. Zhuravlev) [Student section]
27. Olga M. Gladkaya (Saint Petersburg) The concept of human rights in the Russian Orthodox Church
28. Nadezhda S. Glebova (Moscow) The Middle East states seeking new identity
29. Victoria A. Gorelova (Ivanovo) Issues of confessional-oriented Religion teaching in secondary schools in expert assessments
30. Margarita S. Gotovkina (Belgorod) Methodology for determining the value orientations of a social group of Orthodox believers (on the example of Moscow sisterhoods)
31. Nikolay I. Grigoriev (Moscow) Religious conflicts as normative-value conflicts. The specifics of the consumer society of Digimodern era
32. Lyudmila I. Grigorieva (Krasnoyarsk) Eternal health, eternal youth, eternal life - corporality as a super-value in the "religions of the new century"
33. Anastasia S. Gritsenko (Belgorod) Religion and politics as taboo subjects of communication (co-authored with V.V. Sukhorukov)
34. Ekaterina I. Grishaeva (Yekaterinburg) Digital media as a method of mediation of the sacred: a sociological analysis (co-authored with A.G. Busygin)
35. Alexey N. Gusev (Moscow) The relationship between the categories of time and space as a key construct in determining the subject of sociology of religion in Late Modern society (co-authored with P.M. Korolev, S.M. Aristova)
36. Liubov V. Darginova (Hong Kong) The role of linguistic students' Buddhist worldview in reading in a foreign language
37. Petr K. Dashkovsky (Barnaul) Religious situation in the Republic of Tuva (based on the sociological research findings) (co-authored with U.P. Bicheldey, A.V. Mongush)
38. Vitaly V. Demirov (Belarus, Minsk) Values in the methodological context of social sciences and humanities
39. Pavel P. Deryugin (Saint Petersburg) Sociological studies of identification behavior strategies in closed educational institutions: a value context (on the example of the cadets of the Cossack cadet corps)
40. Djorševski Nikola (North Macedonia, Ohrid) Political Islam between consociational and shariocratic democracy: opportunities and challenges.
41. Konstantin S. Divisenko ( Saint Petersburg) Variability of the process of conversion to Western Buddhism in the context of methodology of analytical sociology (co-authored with V.B. Isayeva)
42. Evgeniya I. Dolgaeva (Saransk) Social service of the Russian Orthodox Church in the regional society in the perception of church-bound and non-church-bound youth (co-authored with O.A. Bogatova)
43. Leonid Y. Dyatchenko (Belgorod) The law of universal innovative gravity in the mirror of world religions.
44. Roman V. Evstifeev (Vladimir) How to study social well-being in the face of the "flowing" reality of our time? Contemplation of a five-year research project findings
45. Galina G. Evstifeeva (Vladimir) The life values of Russian people (based on the 2016-2020 focus groups)
46. Vladimir A. Yegorov (Saint Petersburg) The topic of civil religion in modern foreign religious studies
47. Ekaterina S. Eliseeva (Belgorod). The values of local identity in solidarization of the Russian city population (on the example of Belgorod). (co-authored with K.V. Kuznetsova, A.V. Garipova and K.M. Zhuravlev) [Student section]
48. Mikhail A. Zherebyatyev (Voronezh) "Ethno-confessional identification" as a post-Soviet Russian religious normativity, its restrictions and limits
49. Kirill M. Zhuravlev (Belgorod). The values of local identity in solidarization of the Russian city population (on the example of Belgorod). (co-authored with K.V. Kuznetsova, A.V. Garipova and E.S. Eliseeva) [Student section]
50. Igor V. Zadorin (Moscow) Religious identity on the scale "traditions-innovations"
51. Nikita A. Zaripov (Moscow) Civil Religion»: the experience of Israeli democracy (co-authored with N.A. Ryzhkov, A.F. Samir) [Student section]
52. Natalia S. Zimova (Москва) Topic "ROC and coronavirus" in social media (co-authored with Y.V. Fomin)
53. Yulia A. Zubok (Moscow) Socio-cultural self-regulation in the youth environment: the experience of structural and taxonomic analysis
54. Alexander Yu. Ivanov (Orenburg) The relationship between the categories of time and space as a key construct in determining the subject of the sociology of religion in Late Modern society
55. Aleksandr E. Illarionov (Vladimir) The study of social well-being of the population in Vladimir region: major five-year results and changes
56. Valentina B. Isayeva (Saint Petersburg) Variability of the process of conversion to Western Buddhism in the context of methodology of analytical sociology (co-authored with K.S. Divisenko)
57. Jovanovic Haji Nenad Miodragov (Serbia, Belgrade) Religion, politics and challenges of modern European identity
58. Natasha Jovanovic-Eisenhammer (Serbia, Belgrade) Religiosity in Serbia and other religiously homogeneous European societies: a comparative perspective
59. Stepan S. Kalinin (Saratov) Peculiarities of representation of the Gospel axiology in translation into the language of the indigenous small-numbered people of Siberia (on the example of the translation of a fragment from the Gospel of Luke into Ket language) (co-authored with S.V. Tikhonova)
60. Tatyana Nikolaevna Kameneva (Kursk) Values of the pandemic society
61. Evgeny A. Kargin (Moscow) Research approaches to the study of Orthodox civilization
62. Irina G. Kargina (Moscow, Russia) Religious cartography of the modern world: social and political consequences.
63. Vitaly S. Kovalev (Kazan) Russian Zoroastrianism: the issue of emerging and establishing [Student section]
64. Vladimir D. Kovalenko (Saint Petersburg) Experience in studying relations between the state and religious denominations in the Internet: a case study of the "State and religion in the North-West" project
65. Kristina V. Kovalskaya (France, Paris) Expert examination of religion in Russia as an object of interest for French scientists
66. Olga V. Kovalchuk (Belgorod) The state and the Church: social interaction
67. Ivan I. Kozlov (Moscow) The Russian Orthodox Church and Russian universities: opportunities for interaction or potential for conflict?
68. Peter M. Korolev (Kudymkar) The relationship between the categories of time and space as a key construct in determining the subject of sociology of religion in Late Modern society (co-authored with A.N. Gusev, S.M. Aristova)
69. Ksenia Yu. Koroleva (Belgorod) Social and confessional work in the Russian Federation (co-authored with N.V. Loginova)
70. Ekaterina I. Korostichenko (Moscow) Ethics beyond morality: Modern German Humanism
71. Tatyana M. Krichtova (Moscow) Communion of patients infected with coronavirus in the aspect of anthropology of purity
72. Elena A. Kublitskaya (Russia, Moscow) The role of religion and religious institutions in ensuring spiritual and moral unity (population assessments in the context of the pandemic).
73. Konstantin S. Kulalaev (Saint Petersburg) The system of religious education as a condition of spiritual and moral development of the individual [Student section]
74. Ksenia V. Kuznetsova (Belgorod). The values of local identity in solidarization of the Russian city population (on the example of Belgorod). (co-authored with A.V. Garipova, E.S. Eliseeva and K.M. Zhuravlev) [Student section]
75. Chimiza K. Lamazhaa (Moscow, Kyzyl) The main characteristics of Tuvan Buddhist pilgrimage in history and today (co-authored with U.P. Bicheldey)
76. Dmitry M. Latyshev (Yekaterinburg) Religious alimentary practices: the experience of sociological conceptualization
77. Sergey D. Lebedev (Russia, Belgorod) Religion as a value: paradoxes and collisions of modern society.
78. Tamara I. Lipich (Belgorod) Transformation of family values in modern society
79. Natalia V. Loginova (Belgorod) Social and confessional work in the Russian Federation (co-authored with K.Yu. Koroleva)
80. Roman N. Lunkin (Moscow) A new request for identity: religious values versus solidarity?
81. Irina V. Lyutenko (Moscow) Modern family in the views of Russian transgender people
82. Natalia M. Markova (Vladimir) Religiosity concept in a cross-cultural context: Russia and Japan (co-authored with E.I. Arinin)
83. Vladimir A. Martinovich (Belarus, Minsk) Non-traditional religiosity and print media: lessons not learned
84. Vladimir Mentus (Serbia, Belgrade) Traditional value orientation and religiosity – a multilevel analysis across Europe.
85. Nikola Mihajlović (Serbia, Novi Pazar) State and religion: sociological understanding and search for common values
86. Ailaana V. Mongush (Kyzyl) Religious situation in the Republic of Tuva (based on the sociological research findings) (co-authored P.K. Dashkovsky, U.P. Bicheldey)
87. Elena M. Mchedlova (Moscow) Evolution of traditional and religious values
88. Maria M. Mchedlova (Moscow) Religion in the era of great upheavals: institutions and values.
88. Maria M. Mchedlova (Moscow) Religion in the era of great upheavals: institutions and values.
89. Anton A. Nerush (Saratov) Formation of the image of the Russian Orthodox Church by mass culture media in Soviet society (co-authored with A.A. Timofeeva) [Student Section]
90. Sergei A. Nizhnikov (Elista) 'I' status in Buddhist philosophy: a comparative analysis
91. Elena E. Nosenko-Stein (Moscow) Reform of Judaism as preservation of traditions in the post-modern era
92. Alexander A. Oleynikov (Moscow) Principles of the dependence of the type of formation on the type of religious structure of society (on the issue of the socio-cultural dynamics of Western and Eastern capitalism)
93. Elena A. Ostrovskaya (Saint Petersburg) Mediatization of Buddhism: methodology and research methods
94. Oyuuna A. Ochirova (Ulan-Ude) The social portrait of a Buryat Buddhist pilgrim-monk: from historical perspective to online format (based on the sociological survey findings) (co-authored with V.I. Antonov)
95. Ivan V. Pavlyutkin (Moscow) What do we know about godparents and godchildren in modern Russia? Based on the results of the all-Russian population survey (co-authored with O.N. Borisova)
96. Aleksander V. Pastyuk (Belgorod) The socio-cultural threats of civilizational frontiers transformation
97. Alexander A. Pelin (Saint Petersburg) Orthodox covid-dissidence as a social phenomenon of the pandemic
98. Asya V. Pentegova (Belarus, Minsk) Impact of the religious factor on young people's value orientations in Belarus, Russia and Serbia
99. Irina E. Petrova (Nizhny Novgorod) Religious values: the formation of the construct of happiness in Protestant communities
100. Dmitry I. Petrosyan (Vladimir) Inter-connection between the religiosity declared and social well-being level in the population of Vladimir region
101. Vasily G. Pisarevsky (Moscow) Evaluation of digitalization in the secular and Orthodox Telegram channels
102. Kirill V. Podyachev (Moscow) Civilizational determinants of the "Russian world" in the context of globalization: preservation or deformation?
103. Elena B. Pokaninova (Moscow) Religion and values in the era of globalization
104. Tatyana Yu. Pokrovskaya (Moscow) The significance of religious memory within the ethnic group "Meskhetian Turks" on the territory of the Chernozem region in the late XX century-early XXI century
105. Roman E. Popov (Saint Petersburg) Sociological research of human capital: value dimensions
106. Alexandra I. Pospelova (Saint Petersburg) Comparative analysis of the ethnoconfessional picture of the region in 2005-2020.
107. Sofia V. Pospelova (Sevastopol) Values and self-perception of modern youth (regional aspect)
108. Elena V. Prutskova (Moscow) What do we know about godparents and godchildren in modern Russia? According to the results of the all-Russian population survey
109. Evgeniya A. Puntus (Kazakhstan, Karaganda) Secular project of the modern era and the problem of values generalization
110. Vitaly N. Punchenko (Belarus, Minsk) Transformation of young people's value orientations under the influence of information technologies
111. Ekaterina V. Rezanova (Belarus, Minsk) Value orientations of modern youth
112. Sergey V. Reznik (Belgorod) Radical Islam in modern Europe: anti-systems in the structure of postmodernism
113. Yevgeny V. Reutov (Belgorod) The value of civic engagement among young people
114. Nikolay N. Reutov (Belgorod) Interaction of secular and religious education
115. Ekaterina V. Rechits (Belarus, Minsk) Value orientations of contemporary youth as a foundation for new traditions
116. Yulia A. Rzhevskaya (Vladimir) Contemporary trends in the study of social well-being (based on international academic papers)
117. Roberta Ricucci (Italy, Turin) Youth, religion and new ways of believing between off- and on-line
118. Elizaveta V. Rodionova (Saint Petersburg) Methodological and ethical challenges in studying relations between the state and religious denominations
119. Nelly A. Romanovich (Voronezh) Distinctive features of modern religiosity
120. Elena D. Rutkevich (Moscow) Non)religious identity of a modern man
121. Marina V. Rybakova (Moscow) The attitude of representatives of various religions to artificial intelligence as a factor of modernization of the social structure of modern Russian society
122. Nikita A. Ryzhkov (Moscow) Civil Religion»: the experience of Israeli democracy [co-authored with N. A. Zaripov, A. F. Samir] [Student section]
123. Emil Bjørn Hilton Saggau (Denmark, Copenhagen) Not our holy Shrines! – the Montenegrin debate about secular and religious values in light of the Montenegrin Law on religion and its aftermath ,

124. Ahmad F. Samir (Moscow) Civil Religion»: the experience of Israeli democracy (co-authored with N.A. Ryzhkov, N.A. Zaripov) [Student section]
125. Viktor A. Sapryka (Belgorod) Values of population in cross-border regions in the face of civilizational frontiers transformation
126. Olga I. Sgibneva (Volgograd) Possibilities, limits and meanings of empirical studies of state-confessional relations
127. Semed A. Semedov (Moscow) Sociological research in the Muslim Ummah of Russia
128. Karlygash (Ksenia) T. Sergazina (Moscow) Orthodox non-church communities: study methods
129. Elena Yu. Skachkova (Saint Petersburg) "Slavic" symbolism as a way of socialization in the pagan subculture of late Modernity
130. Mikhail Yu. Smirnov (Saint Petersburg) Interpretation of values in official documents of the Russian Federation as a normative format for the axiology of religious associations
131. Roman V. Sokolov (Saint Petersburg) The gift of Life and Freedom in a post-secular society – the idea of the post-man: a theological aspect.
132. Marina V. Sokolova (Vladimir) The impact of social status characteristics on the assessment of relations between religious denominations and nations
133. Valentin V. Starichenok (Belarus, Minsk) Historical memory in the value system of contemporary society: constants and trends
134. Vojislav Stojanović (Serbia, Belgrade) Religion without Religion
135. Rais R. Suleimanov (Kazan) Tatarstan influence on the Islamic ummah of the Mari-El Republic in post-Soviet era
136. Viktor V. Sukhorukov (Belgorod) Religion and politics as taboo subjects of communication (co-authored with A.S. Gritsenko)
137. Nilolay N. Sukhotsky (Belarus, Minsk) Transformation of the axiological value of religion in contemporary Belarus society
138. Olesya A. Suchkova (Saint Petersburg) The image of religious sectarianism in the domestic cinematograph of 50-60s
139. Nikita K. Syundyukov (Saint Petersburg) Provision of resources for contemporary sociological research: a case study of the "State and religion in the North-West" project
140. Anastasia A. Timofeeva (Saratov) Formation of the image of the Russian Orthodox Church by mass culture media in Soviet society (co-authored with A.A. Nerush) [Student Section]
141. Sofya V. Tikhonova (Saratov) Peculiarities of representation of the Gospel axiology in translation into the language of the indigenous small-numbered people of Siberia (on the example of the translation of a fragment from the Gospel of Luke into Ket language) (co-authored with S.S. Kalinin)
142. Alexander V. Tolmachev (Moscow) The mythology of Burnt Offering: between religion and politics (religious view)
143. Sergey V. Trofimov (Moscow) Trust in religious discourse
144. Anatoly A. Trunov (Belgorod) Ideologies and political religions in the modern society
145. Mergen S. Ulanov (Elista) Buddhism and Don Cossacks of Kalmyk origin in Russia's socio-cultural space
146. Ekaterina I. Ufimtseva (Saratov) Transformation of the concept of "conversion" in modern sociological discourse
147. Edmon Mherovich Faroyan (Simferopol) Religion and values: public practice: from identity to solidarity
148. Alexander F. Filippov (Moscow) Political philosophy and Political theology: Two alternative versions of the sociology of religion.
149. Yegor V. Fomin (Moscow) Topic "ROC and coronavirus" in social media (co-authored with N.S. Zimova)
150. Alima Y. Furmanova (Moscow) Peculiarities of the basic values of managers
151. Natalia V. Khareba (Belgorod) Religion and faith in the assessments of Belgorod youth [Student section]
152. Svetlana V. Khashaeva (Belgorod) Value orientations of modern youth
153. Pavel Yu. Tsvetkov (Saint Petersburg) "Religious" components of youth subcultures"
154. Tatyana G. Chelovenko (Orel) Aporia of humanitarian knowledge in the light of philosophical and theological intentions
155. Dmitry A. Chernichkin (Astrakhan) Advertising in social networks as a tool of proselytizing activity: the experience of neo-Protestant movements in Russia
156. Roberto Cipriani (Italy, Rome) Diffused religion of values
157. Inna S. Shapovalova (Belgorod) Religious xenophobia in the everyday consciousness of progressive Russian youth: risk assessment
158. Svetlana A. Sharonova (Moscow) The Russian Orthodox Church facing the challenges of digitalization
159. Roman V. Shizhensky (Kaliningrad) Neo-paganism of the COVID-19 period: reactions and consequences
160. Valentina A. Shilova (Moscow) Sociological assessment of the subjective well-being of believers and non-believers
161. Olga K. Shimanskaya (Nizhny Novgorod) Nizhny Novgorod Orthodox Fair "Uzorochye" in the context of the pandemic (co-authored with G.S. Shirokalova)
162. Galina S. Shirokalova (Nizhny Novgorod) Nizhny Novgorod Orthodox Fair "Uzorochye" in the context of the pandemic (co-authored with O.K. Shimanskaya)
163. Alexander V. Shchipkov (Moscow) Orthodoxy and the pandemic
164. Yu. Yu. Erendzhenova (Elista) Russian centers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition: peculiarities and significance of religious practices
165. Dmitry R. Yavorsky (Volgograd) "Fortunism" in the context of modern religiosity
166. Anna A. Yankovskaya (Saint Petersburg) Organization of the media space of religious organizations with the aim of educating the ecological consciousness of the floc
167. Ivan Blazhevski
Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
Ruzhica Cacanoska
Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
Gjoko Gjorgjeski
Orthodox Faculty of Theology St. Clement of Ohrid, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia

Registration for the conference is over
History of the conference
M. Blagojevich, Yu. Yu. Sinelina, A.V. Mamatov
The conference was conceived and held for the first time in 2011 with the status of a Russian conference with international participation. Since 2013 it has been held as an international conference. The author of the idea of the conference is Professor L.Y. Dyatchenko, Rector of the National Research University "BelSU" in 2002-2012. In 2011 and 2012 the outstanding Russian sociologist and religion scholar Yu.Yu. Sinelina was the co-chairman of the organizing committee of the conference.

Joint Russian-Serbian project: the co-chairmen of the Program Committee were S. D. Lebedev (Head of the laboratory "Sociology of Religion and Culture" of the International Center for Sociological Research of the National Research University "Belgorod State University", Russia) and Mirko Blagojevic (Chief Researcher of the Institute of Social Sciences of Belgrade, Serbia). The concept of the conference is not focused on "rigid" sociology, we welcome the interdisciplinarity and participation of the representatives of related fields of scientific knowledge – religious studies, above all.

In 2017 the conference was dedicated to the topic "Sociology of Religion in Late Modern society: religion, education, international integration". In 2018 the topic of the conference was "Sociology of Religion in Late Modern society: Orthodox emphasis". In 2019 the conference was held with the theme "Sociology of Religion in Late Modern society: interfaith, inter-institutional and intercultural aspects".

In 2021 the topic of the upcoming X conference "The sociology of religion in Late Modern society: religion and values".